We are sending a letter to U.S. state Attorneys General asking them to break the power of fossil fuel corporations—the Big Polluters—to avert an imminent climate breakdown and the potential risk of human extinction by 2100.
The #climateletter is a formal legal procedure that triggers Attorney General review. Each Attorney General has to give a response to the letter and tell us if they will have the courage to stand up to the Big Polluters.
Read our FAQ if you’re interested in the ins-and-outs of the procedure.
February 3, 2020 letter sent to the California Attorney General
The #climateletter will request that the Attorneys General place the Big Polluters under court monitoring to ensure that they:
cease and desist with any further emissions of greenhouse gases.
implement corporate and industrial strategies to limit warming to 1.5ºC by 2100.
pay restitution, and where this is not possible, compensation to the states for emitting greenhouse gases at an industrial-scale, even though they knew what would happen.
pay restitution, and where this is not possible, compensation to poor and developing countries to prepare for a climate breakdown that is already, and unfairly, hitting these poor and developing countries the hardest.
We are asking that this transition away from emissions-producing activities should be paid for by fossil fuel corporations and their investors—not by consumers or workers.
If the Big Polluters refuse to change their ways, the #climateletter will request that state Attorneys General revoke their corporate charters and shutter them.
The Big Polluters have known that their business activities would alter the climate and would be dangerous to the Earth and to human life, perhaps as early as the 1970s.
#climateletter Steering Committee
We are gathering a team of international legal experts and other professionals to provide support and input on this initiative—experts on the environment, the climate breakdown, corporate accountability, and human rights.
Sign up for our mailing list here to get updates on where we are with the #climateletter and related litigation
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